

(綜合網絡報導) 早前 Apple 就不尋常地選擇在 3 月推出 iPhone SE,似乎想搶下更多中階機的市場。不過隨著 iPhone 即將面世 10 年,Apple 當然不會繼續讓惡劣的情況繼續發展下去,而為了迎接這個大日子,近日就有消息顯示他們或會在明年推出一部 iPhone 10 周年特別版。

越來越多的消息表明,iPhone 7/Plus只能算是過渡機型!2017年3月迎接iPhone誕生十周年,蘋果全力以赴的iPhone 8才是重頭戲。

覺得iPhone 7丑沒創新嗎?設計師Armend Lleshi匯總了網上有關蘋果的傳言,為我們提前帶來了iPhone 8概念設計,簡直讓人後悔買了iPhone 7!


蘋果曝光的新無邊框專利顯示,iPhone 8可能支持無邊框。


iPhone 8將擁有一個4K螢幕和底部雙揚聲器,而厚度為6.5毫米,整部手機的重量僅為115克。

配置4GB RAM,搭載A11核心以及運行iOS 11,1600萬像素後置攝像頭,支持無線充電,這些都毫不意外啦。


因受亮黑色iPhone 7搶購刺激,蘋果將繼續推出新配色,如這款低調上檔次的亮「葡萄酒」色。

這樣的iPhone 8你會買嗎?如果真的支持雙卡雙待功能,那麼明年的iPhone8是非常有看點!

It’s the iPhone 8 so many people are speculating about and something tells me that leaks won’t do this model no justice anytime soon. Anyways, he proposes a bigger iPhone 8 Plus, a 6 incher this time.

he iPhone 8 shown here has a full front edge screen, 4K resolution and dual speakers at the bottom. Of course there’s no audio jack and the chassis is 6.5 mm thin this time. The product weighs a mere 115 grams and comes with a 16 megapixel main camera and an 8 MP FaceTime cam. There’s wireless charging included finally and a Home Button with fingerprint scanner on the right side this time.

One can enable or disable the software Home button. The core of the body format is kept from the iPhone 7 and we also get iOS 11 here and the Apple A11 CPU, as predicted. Storage is up to 256 GB and RAM gets to 4 GB. The battery is a rather modest 2600 mAh somehow and a cool new feature is the fact that the Apple logo at the back works as a secondary screen, showing the battery indicator, plus it also works as notification indicator.

The iPhone 8 is available in black, white, gold, rose gold or a hue called 「wine」.

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